How could Bollywood icon, the answer to the first trivia question in the “Slumdog Millionaire” contest; barrier- breaker between Eastern and Western films, stoop to accepting the role of a curmudgeonly, constipated hypochondriac? Amitabh Bachchan, left viewers squeamishly embarrassed at his portrayal of “Bhashkor Banerji”, squawking, lamenting his inherited “curse”; scatological discussions, disgustingly inform the narrative and was the focus of his relationship with his daughter, “Piku” (dimpled Deepika Padukpone); irascible yelling, bickering between the two, was certifiably aggravating; bereft of comedy, charm or charisma .
The only reason to sit through this sludge was Irrfan Khan (“Slumdog Millionaire”, “Life of Pi”, “The Lunch Box”); “Rana” is the taxi company owner who, because none of his drivers can tolerate the shrewish Piku, chauffeurs the exasperating father/daughter from Delhi to Kolkata; he excavates the “heart and bowel” of the film but could not flush away the indefatigable insignificance of the scenario.