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I knew a couple whose roles were similar to “Amy” and  “Aaron”; volatile, electrifying, boozy Amy versus staid, calm, reliable Aaron; their combustible relationship would have been ephemeral if Amy had not righted her ways; they are still together, contented and happy.

Writer/actor Amy Schumer stars in this semi-autobiographical tale of her own dysfunctional formative years; her relationships with her father, sister “Kim” and myriad of boyfriends; she writes for a gossipy, salacious magazine, uses alcohol to anesthetize her nagging qualms and her body as the prime tool of communication with men; Kim lives an uneventful existence with her husband and stepson; a life Amy ridicules, but secretly covets.

If you can tolerate the first fifteen minutes of “Trainwreck”, the ubiquitous bastardization of the word “like” (I stopped counting at the millennium mark), copious copulation, inebriated soliloquies,  something  remarkable occurs; realization that there is a substantive, likeable, intelligent woman clamoring to emerge from dissipation into formidable legitimacy.

  Amy Schumer stuns with profound comedic perspicacity; Brie Larson, as Kim is the perfect foil for Amy’s lacerating wit;  Bill Hader is flawless as “ Dr. Aaron Connors” (sport injury surgeon) patient, kind, drawn “like” a moth to a flame, hypnotized by Amy’s flamboyant aura.  Predictability ensues but fine writing and succinct acting keep the film at an athletic pace. LeBron James, (Cleveland Cavaliers) playing himself, is positively commanding as an actor, a scene-stealer, riveting, rollicking as the instigator of an “intervention” when Aaron is wallowing in self-pity over his personal ruptures.

“Trainwreck” targets a millennial audience, but sheds understanding and enlightenment to those beyond their halcyon years;  in a milieu of constant connectedness, “Amy” rises above monumental vicissitudes, finds her groove and soars.



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  1. I think you nailed it. This movie is a must see and very funny due largely to the ensemble of actors and sports stars. Let’s not forget to mention Tilda Swinton who was awesome as her boss.

    • Bravo! Swinton is the penultimate chameleon> totally neglected her in the “kudo” review. Thank you and your “mate” for making “peneflix” worth the effort. P.

  2. Barbara Geraghty

    I think “Trainwreck” is funny but deeper and more emotional in places. It taps into what’s going on for many young women today on college campuses and in real life. The movie is graphic and uncomfortable because it turns the tables on our PC culture showing the imbalance of what is acceptable behavior for men but not women. Why are men considered studs if they sleep around but women are considered sluts? The movie doesn’t condone the behavior of either but points out the double standard. “Trainwreck” is not a defense of the train wreck lifestyle but instead I think Amy is going for understanding and she wants women to feel better about their experiences. It’s a redeeming message to all women. I think she’s saying that if you’re flawed you’re not damned forever. You can get it together and you don’t have to be judged. I loved the concept of turning it around. It’s for any woman who has made decisions she wishes she hadn’t and I think every woman can relate to that in some way. If nothing else it sparks some great conversations!

    • This is the best analysis; you recognized contemporary culture, especially of women today and the unjust code they either rally against or conform to. Maybe “flawed” is not the correct analogy? Possibly her performance was a quest to discover how she eventually wanted to define herself? She was always in control.
      You should lead the film discussion! So grateful for your insights! P.

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