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It is mystifying when checking out the film section and major headlines scream: “the perfect film to ignite 2011”, “the best action thriller in years”, ‘a mesmerizing mind-bender”. I am a glutton for action and mind-benders but exiting these two films, shaking my head in bewilderment at the lack of veracity in these advertisements, I questioned my own judgment, but only for seconds.

“I Am Number Four” (be forewarned their were 9, unfortunately 6 left). You have a cast of pretty, pubescent actors ; some depicting life from an alternative universe, endowed with supernatural powers; turkeys turning into man-eating dinosaurs; petable pets, morphing into a pit bull’s nightmare.

This is a silly, sophomoric movie whose appeal will dominate the eleven to fourteen year old audience; the rest:

“I Am Number Four” is an unmitigated bore;

Optimistic,  four through nine

Will disappear in time;

Inhabit any world, but mine!

ONE & 1/2 STARS!



The satisfying first hour of this beautifully filmed “thriller” staring Liam Nesson, Diane Kruger (“Inglorious Basterds”), January Jones (“Mad Men”) Aidan Quinn, Frank Langella, dissipates into obfuscation and confusion, leaving audiences unsatisfied, questions unanswered, looking for dessert after a delectable entree.

Liam Nesson is credible as Dr. Martin Harris. He dominates the screen with his stunning presence and we believe his dilemma. January Jones, as Liz Harris fits her sobriquet, she is as frigid, glacial as January in Alaska; physically, hard to imagine a more perfect specimen of fulsome, female fulfillment. Aidan Quinn, as Dr. Martin Harris does his best with limited material. Worth the watch is Diane Kruger as Gina, the illegal taxi driver, sucked into a lethal situation; she commands and imbues her character with confidence and conviction; her countenance, enthralling.

Bruno Ganz (Ernst Jurgen) plays a former member of the East German Stasi (secret police)  the sleuth who partially resolves the riddle confounding Dr. Martin Harris. A skilled performance, Ganz triumphs in this rich, deep, intense, gripping portrayal. 

“Unknown” could have been a masterful mystery, but somewhere in the side streets of Berlin, it stumbles,  looses its identity, mission and meaning.

TWO & 1/2 STARS!!

For Now………Peneflix

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One comment

  1. Penefilx, you have once again nailed down the problem with a theoretically promising film, with superb actors, but bad dialogue ( or lack of it because of the action and numerous car chases) . An thank you for not giving away the end for those who have not seen it!

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