This dreadful monument to poor taste ranks in the laurels of one of the worst films ever made, in any country; an embarrassment to its industry; how and why in Shiva’s name was this ever produced? Director Sajid Khan proves certifiably unbalanced, not even worthy of the mental institution he places his protagonists in; men, masked as dogs, howling idiocy; women, guffawing “cut-outs” “Barbiesque”; his horrifically pejorative treatment of the the mentally -challenged, homosexuals; lionization of “Hitler”; a paean to lunacy. Mr. Khan plagiarizes a scene from Mel Brooks classic “Silent Movie” (1976); Sid Caesar, on a heart monitor machine, while his friends improvise a “video game scenario”, Mr. Caesar’s expressions alternating between life and death are quintessentially timeless and hilarious. Unlike this pathetic rendition, paltry variance on a theme.
The major lacuna is Saif Ali Khan, a mega-Bollywood magnet, who prostitutes himself and his reputation to star as a growling, groveling “doggy” billionaire, whose been fed mind- altering -drugs; the audience was bee- lining, trampling other patrons to the exits, rather than subject themselves to Mr. Kahn’s voluntary, humiliating debasement.
If viewed “Humshakals” has the power to reverse the trend, and set the Bollywood genre back a millennium or two.