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Monthly Archives: June 2013


Written in 1558, William Shakespeare perpetually inspires with stinging, titillating wit, sagacious repartee and timeless wisdom. The film (a true masterpiece by director Joss Whedon) is a dazzling, scintillating comedic tale, touching every element of the human condition: love, betrayal, intrigue, manipulation; portrayed in a contemporary milieu (Whedon’s home, Santa Monica, CA.) by overwhelmingly gifted actors. One does not have …

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The Heat Movie Review

“The Heat” is simple, non-threatening entertainment; a light-hearted hiatus from dark, disturbing, alien, neck-chomping, aerial creatures; traumatic, post- apocalyptic fare that has invaded, monopolized today’s movie houses. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy have an on-screen chemistry that has bled into their off-screen relationship (female version, reminiscent of Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson partnership); they depict FBI agent “Sarah Ashburn” (Bullock) and Boston …

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“The Heat” is simple, non-threatening entertainment; a light-hearted hiatus from dark, disturbing, alien, neck-chomping, aerial creatures; traumatic, post- apocalyptic fare that has invaded, monopolized today’s movie houses. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy have an on-screen chemistry that has bled into their off-screen relationship (female version, reminiscent of Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson partnership); they depict FBI agent “Sarah Ashburn” (Bullock) and Boston …

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This is an instance of “never say never”, which,  when it comes to zombie movies (“Dawn of the Dead”, “Zombieland”, “Death Becomes Her”,) I have stated emphatically “never again” countless times. Truthfully, I went to see another film, had an hour to kill,  ventured into a packed theatre of “World War Z”, remained seated for the entirety; expecting zilch, I …

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Violet & Daisy

Doubtful if many of you have heard of this movie; in the theatres for a week, it slipped into the limitless limbo of unwatched mediocrity, praying for Netflix, On Demand to ignite a passive public’s interest in two teenage assassins, disguised as nuns, delivering pizza. Of the myriad of films I see but never review, “Violet & Daisy” resided comfortably …

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Doubtful if many of you have heard of this movie; in the theatres for a week, it slipped into the limitless limbo of unwatched mediocrity, praying for Netflix, On Demand to ignite a passive public’s interest in two teenage assassins, disguised as nuns, delivering pizza. Of the myriad of films I see but never review, “Violet & Daisy” resided comfortably …

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“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” Dale Carnegie Recently, I met and surpassed my “Subscribership” goal; I am in debt to the known and unknown readers who have buoyed my spirits, corrected my errors, lauded and clinically critiqued my opinions; you have contributed to the continued elasticity of my intellect, the firm conviction that …

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Are there any clean ones? All documentaries are imbued with a certain dose of subjectivity and “Dirty Wars” (based on the book of same title by Jeremy Scahill) is no exception; the difference lies in the conscience of reporter Jeremy Scahill and brilliant direction by Richard Rowley. They tackle the tactics of counterterrorism since 9/11: erasing boundaries, acceptance of collateral …

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Man of Steel

It took nerves of steel to sit through this torturous tribute, homage to pyrotechnics and digitalization; actors were crucified on an altar of inane, embarrassing mediocrity; obscene, flagrant waste of 250 million dollars,  but admittedly some audiences will relish it. Being a lifelong fan of Clark Kent (“Superman”) this glossy, plastic composite was monumentally detrimental to his iconic, mild –mannered, …

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Man of Steel

It took nerves of steel to sit through this torturous tribute, homage to pyrotechnics and digitalization; actors were crucified on an altar of inane, embarrassing mediocrity; obscene, flagrant waste of 250 million dollars,  but admittedly some audiences will relish it. Being a lifelong fan of Clark Kent (“Superman”) this glossy, plastic composite was monumentally detrimental to his iconic, mild –mannered, …

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