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Many of you have requested a mini synopsis of the most recent films; answering a simple question; “see it or skip it”?

“Unstoppable” is pulsating entertainment; a true story of a runaway train without the “terrorist” angle; a heart -arresting ride that keeps you cheering for two unlikely heroes; significantly portrayed by veteran and award winning actor, Denzel Washington and Chris Pine (Star Trek), whose looks and talent should keep him in major billing mode for decades to come. Gorgeous cinematography, perfect casting, elimination of the sensational and superfluous scores another bull’s-eye for director Tony Scott. The musical score blends with impeccable refinement the non- stop, breathless momentum, tension defined action. The question, always unanswered: are heroes born, endowed with the gene, part of their DNA, waiting for the trigger to unleash its powers or do circumstances create the man above men? ”Unstoppable” is worth seeing just to ponder the “what ifs”.



A rather soapy story, starring Rachel McAdams as the ambitious Becky Fuller, scrapping to save her career and the early morning TV show she produces; her frantic, sleepless, out of orbit animated behavior leaves one to surmise that she is the progeny of the energizer bunny. Harrison Ford is Mike Pomeroy the overly grumpy journalist hired as life support for the show, nearing hospice. Diane Keaton, the vivacious and caustic anchor, saves the film from sinking and drowning in a sea of mundane, predictable insignificant drivel.

If you are a “foodie” you leave with a “fluffy”  recipe for Frittata; a definite film saver (or savior)!



If you liked the movie “Norma Rae”(1979), you will go “bonkers” for  “Made in Dagenham” This is a great story starring some of England’s finest actors. Sally Hawkins ( academy award nominee for “Happy-Go- Lucky”) plays Rita, based on the true story of 187 seamstresses who went on strike in 1968 at the Ford factory in Dagenham, England, demanding equal pay. Here are heroes created by circumstances; poor, uneducated, imminently skilled and wealthy with dignity. Nigel Cole has directed one of the top films of 2010, not a wasted or meaningless frame; just layers of talented depth showered upon an audience thirsting for raw, real, sincere filmmaking. Bob Hoskins and Miranda Richardson lend a Midas touch to the polished scenario. “Made in Dagenham” accomplishes what few films do; the viewer exits feeling the world is gleaned of its gray matter and brightness dominates the day and one’s spirit.  Life is a series of tests, pop quizzes, final exams; most tests we are unaware of until we pass or fail; we celebrate and toast the “Rita’s” of the world, though unprepared, excelled, captured an “A” for changing and eliminating an archaic practice.

FOUR & 1/2 STARS!!!!

For Now………….Peneflix

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  1. My husband is an Italian, and the only error that Harrisson madae in his frittata, is that a frittat is always cooked on a slow flame and finished under a broiler, or in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes start to finish. Ain’t cooking grand 🙂

    p.s I very much enjoy your reviews.

    • Thank you Marina, will definetely try the broiler; felt he had to use a higher flame to fit into the time slot!!!!!!!!! Yes, cooking is an avocation!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays! P.

  2. Hi Pen,

    Great to see you at Thanksgiving. I beg to differ on your critique of Morning Glory. We are inundated with TV Shows and Movies riddled with excessive crime, murder and mayhem.
    It was so refreshing to see a movie with genuine humor. Yes the young woman was over bearing however I saw glimpses of myself in those younger years teaching myself a whole new profession and skill in the World of Sales. Fighting for women’s rights basically my entire life. I only wish some of the young people today had her enthusiasm.

    She also had a profound respect for those who came before her and knew that you need the young and the old with their life time of experience to make the world go around and her morning show a success. Most of all I loved the Team work and how in the end she stayed where she was loved and appreciated; didn’t opt for the money and glamor.

    It was not what one would might call deep however it was thoroughly engaging.



    • This is an excellent and valid critique! It gave me pause and thinking about your analogy I realize I was a bit too harsh.
      Also, the most entertaining sequences revolve around the weather man; they had me in stitches and were hilarious!
      I will up my rating to THREE STARS!!!
      Thank you!!!!!!!

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