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How fortunate for movie-goers that “desperate times, demand desperate measures”; destitute town of Tickle Cove,(Newfoundland) mourning an exsanguinated fishing industry; demoralized inhabitants living on welfare, needing a doctor in order to qualify for a major “petro chemical byproduct reprocessing plant”; what ensues is a warm, enchanting adult fairy tale; incredible casting lends prismatic charm to an unlikely scenario.

Brendan Gleeson, “seducer” “Murray French” , a curmudgeony, disgruntled fisherman, lines of life deeply etched on his weather-withered countenance;  frustrated by vicissitudes visited upon his cove, enlists the entire village (approximately 120 people) to seduce an unsuspecting doctor, sent serendipitously, to Tickle Cove for a month of servitude, avoiding the penal system, for drug possession. Heartthrob Taylor Kitsch is immaculate as the unsuspecting, naive, pristinely perfect “seducee”, “Dr. Paul Lewis”.

“The Grand Seduction” is a pecan of ingenuity;  intrusive wire-tapping informs the villagers of Paul’s every whim; his conversations are recorded by hand, reported to “Murray”; the Doc loves cricket and the villagers counterfeited interest  in the sport, is uproariously funny; Paul finds money wherever he goes; the populace fabricates a mysterious malady that has left unusual scars on their bodies; a requited “seduction” is ubiquitously craved by all.

“The Grand Seduction” is that rare film generating a palatable, genuine happiness; audiences are acquainted with a congregation of good, guileless, unflappable people; their love for Tickle Cove transcends their jobs, but not their resourcefulness. Director Don McKellar opens a window to the human condition that swells one’s heart and sensitivities.



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  1. It was unfortunate that my laughter was so alone in the movie theatre. I so enjoyed this sweet film,……the doctor was also a joy to look at!!!!

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