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  1. Q. Where do you see the ‘Bollywood’ movies? Maybe you could give us advance notice of these screenings?

    Thanks. ps the new website is gorgeous!

  2. Hi, P. I just signed up for your blog again. I don’t know why I stopped getting your post. I just realized that fact when I responded to your 6 million paper clip documentary comment on my blog.
    Happy to be back. I will have some catch up reading to do. 🙂 The new blog site is very engaging. I like the dramatic and precise visuals! XXXXXOOOOO Sheila

  3. Sandra Wolsfeld Warner

    Thank you Penelope for a wonderful website.
    Last saw you at AIC Sustaining Fellows Luncheon with Tom Burtonwood .
    I am going to read your Blog and peruse the sight.
    Trying to email TalkCinema but the sight is not working properly.
    Be happy to go to any movie with you etc.
    See you soon.

  4. Thanks for th website

  5. Interstellar is awesome!

  6. Sorry about this. It should be corrected soon. P.

  7. have resubscribed—hope it is a success!!!!

  8. Just saw Revenant and loved it! DiCaprio at his best and one of my favourite actors, Hardy, flawless! It deserves an Oscar for cinematography and sound!

  9. can it be that i may actually be getting your reviews once again….how i have missed this in my life!!!!

  10. can it be that i will actually be getting your reviews again? i have missed you!!!!

  11. Hi Penelope,
    Please let me know if there is another step to receive your emails. I subscribed, but still not getting your emails… Thanks! Yvonne

  12. I also keep signing up to no avail but I have you in my bookmark so I do keep up.
    I just saw A War, very thought provoking.

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