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“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” Dale Carnegie

Recently, I met and surpassed my “Subscribership” goal; I am in debt to the known and unknown readers who have buoyed my spirits, corrected my errors, lauded and clinically critiqued my opinions; you have contributed to the continued elasticity of my intellect, the firm conviction that the web I thrive in, at times isolated, but never lonely, produces the desired effect. I can state unequivocally, because of you, a myriad of diverse souls, scattered throughout the globe, that I am happy with the gifts I’ve received.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” Sage, Winston Churchill recognized that success is not an end in itself, and never does appear without bruising disappointments, scars reminiscent of the journey leading to the taste and “sweet smell of success.”   Computer glitches, self-reflection, dark moments of questioning my goals, miraculously evaporate when concentrating on a review.  Unlike Sisyphus, having the same monotonous boulder to manipulate, my varied blunders will ceaselessly occur, but perpetually educate; whether insanity or tenacity, I will continue to, maybe not fearlessly, struggle for my minor sphere, in the vast, intrepid galaxy of internet explorers.

Gratitude Always.

For Now……………Peneflix

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  1. BRAVO Penelope!!! Not only have you been an extraordinary movie critic but I’m now in disbelief that it’s been almost 4 years!

  2. Hi Penelope,
    I’ve been your faithful follower for the entire run and it’s truly been a great run! You have brought remarkable insight and eloquent perceptions for films that have guided me (and will continue to guide me) to watch engaging and entertaining films hand-picked by you. Need I add how unbelievably prolific you are?
    I must confess I haven’t yet seen many of your four star picks (and none of the Indian titles) but I’ll be directed by your wonderful reviews when I watch future hours of cinema at home. (I like neither noisy nor quiet crowds.) Your thoughtful and enthusiastic efforts are greatly appreciated. I have to add that I don’t always agree with you (“Les Miz.”)
    Keep ’em coming. May the run continue for years!

  3. Dear Penelope: Your reviews have been an absolute joy to read. I not only relish your insights but your writing style and vocabulary are sumptuous. Thank you for providing us all with a wonderful source for reviews.

  4. wAY TO GO, Penelope, AND–onward we will march together. I do not always agree with your views but I always read your blog to see what you do have to say and what you are putting into the mix. Thanks for your energy and dedication to FILM!; I certainly appreciate that. Cheers to you…Marlene

  5. I cant believe it has been that long. My husband Harvey and I are avid movie goers and love reading your reviews. I read many of the top critics reviews also but it wouldn’t be the same without your witty and intelligent reviews. I don’t always agree with you but that is what makes it interesting. Let’s hope that the independent film makers keep making great films. Keep up the good work. Much thanks. xo

  6. You have surely been successful Peneflix! Thank you for providing us great guidance through the maze of film selection and for your thoughtful insights.
    And most of all, thank you for not giving away the story in your reviews!
    Four great years, and hopefully many more Peneflix, we know you have the courage to continue!
    We look forward to many more of years of Peneflix!

  7. Congratulations! You are an inspiration – thank you.

  8. Dear P. Mazel Tov on you accomplishment. Four years and meeting your goals is something to “Kvell” about!! As you know, Jordan and I are not normally “movie goers”; however, because of your well written and engaging reviews we have seen a few of the movie you have given your “thumbs up” and/or multiple stars. The movie theater is no comparison to the opera house, but we think of you when we decide to the theater and take you and your review with us which makes us smile :-). Thank you for enriching our lives with your friendship and your reviews!! XXXXXXOOOOO

  9. Penelope, You have elevated the art of movie review to a new level. You have given wonderful perspective to each film and documentary you review. To say nothing of your language and history of the films and documentaries and how each new experience fits into the lexicon of film. We all depend on you! Congratulations and continue on!!!!!!

  10. Penelope, You are a shinning star in the galaxy of film reviewers. If there was an Oscar category for film critics, I would nominate you.Congratulations on four years of a stellar achievement!
    Marion Weil XO

  11. Congratulations, Penelope

    I have been one of your faithful followers and have agreed with your assessments(mostly)although I have not seen all the movies you recommend. I do not see the movies which you strongly do not recommend.

    May you enjoy many more years of exercising your talents for those of us who enjoy sharing the pleasure.

  12. I have just recently stumbled upon your site. I love it! Congratulations on staying around so long, I plan to keep reading 🙂

  13. Time has flown, flickering across the screen like…..
    Reviews don’t adequately capture the abundant exploration of film that you provide.
    I always enjoy your “take”, your unique sensibility, fairness, honesty.
    Perhaps there will one day be a special award, lalique(of course)…the “Penelope”for intrepid pursuit of truth and fun(or something of the sort).

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