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Never having read the Richard Stark novels (pseudonym of Donald E. Westlake); a neophyte, totally ignorant of the protagonist and his exploits, it was stunningly shocking that “Parker” (stoically handsome Jason Statham) was an untoward character, a criminal with ethics, a pugnacious, tenacious, terrifying personage when doubled-crossed; hence, the fast-paced, pungently gory scenario, revolving around Parker’s revenge and his unique code of morality.

Sprinkled with a dragnet of smarmy villains, primarily mendacious “Melander” (Michael Chiklis, “Vegas” is riveting, mesmerizing in the role); and innocent, but sagacious “Leslie” (a surprisingly  genuine portrayal by Jennifer Lopez) who is the foil; woeful, struggling Palm Beach real estate agent, implementing Parker’s chimerical plan.

“Parker” is not for the squeamish but thoroughly engrossing, engaging entertainment; possibly because of the plodding, dull products visited upon audiences during  pre-Academy Award announcements. It was oddly refreshing rooting for a murderous crook worthy of lifetime incarceration; tribute to a scintillating script and prismatic, palliative performances.


For Now………..Peneflix

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