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It will take years of the therapeutic process to conclude “why” , with knowledge and foresight, I went to see this terrifically awful film; questioning the soundness of my mind, the stability of of my judgment I can only surmise I suffered from a temporary loss of sanity or a petit mal seizure.

Based on a true story which transpired in Florida in the 90’s  three “muscle crunchers” led by Mark Whalberg (shares my mental lacuna) kidnap, try to kill a successful business owner, for his wealth; the only, lonely humorous moments revolve around his obstinacy, refusal to die.

“Pain” in abundance and nothing to “Gain”;  skip this insufferable, pathetic, stupid morass of ineptitude.

1/2 STAR

For Now………..Peneflix

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  1. Dear See-er and teller of truth,
    Thank you for saving me from certain torment! And Mark…usually on the mark…?

  2. i love reading your reviews i love the words thank you i will not see this movie

  3. Hi Penelope,

    For people who recently saw the 48 HOURS episode comparing the film to the actual history of the crime, it will be unbearable to go and “enjoy” this
    gross misunderstanding of what HUMOR is. Not that there isn’t humor to be found in Agony – it is after all how many WWII camp survivors and later prisoners of all types survived… But that was Humor of a different order…dark jokes that actually managed to strengthen the bonds of humanity in the face of raw evil. ( I had a university press volume entitled The Humor of the Holocaust, ).

    But the writing in this film by all accounts seems to lack any adult understanding of how and when laughs can be found and encouraged in the mmidst of human suffering. Glad you’re spreading the word. Hope that this kind of entertainment doesn’t catch on.



    • Exceptually astute comment; what I have come to expect from you. Yes, it is one to skip and I am still questioning my judgement> Thank you again Paul, for bringing wisdom, insight and depth to my reviews> P.

  4. Wish I had read your review before I viewed.
    I’d give it a -5.

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