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Despite a strong performance by Chloe Grace Moretz the movie lacks electricity, feels dated, solution-less, serving a flat and unsatisfying conclusion. “Cameron” a teenager in the 90’s is sent to a Christian conversion facility to reprogram her “gender confusion”; Jennifer Ehle is “Dr. Lydia Marsh” a softer, palatable, just as lethal version, of Jim Jones or David Koresh, Bible thumping fanatics focusing on the irrationality of homosexuality, denying its viability; Jesus is the purveyor of the cleansing process; the therapy backfires creating self-destructing, incurably, non-functional adults.

Cameron never succumbs to the hypocrisy and due to Moretz’s insightful, intelligent manipulation and understanding of the subject, the film is saved from total obscurity. Costars Sasha Lane, “Jane” and Forrest Goodluck, “Adam” Cameron’s coconspirators, give justifiably honest performances.


Save your Movie Pass or AMC Alist membership for “Boy Erased”, which should prove to be a more in-depth, succinct, rendering of this timely, contemporary, topic.






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