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Far from the normal “kidnap” scenario, where sobbing, hysterical parents, etc., comply with the FBI, raping their bank accounts and 401K’s, leaving cash at the orchestrated location; Halle Barry as “Karla” is tenacious as a woman who pursues rapacious kidnappers (appropriate diabolical performances by Chris McGinn and Lew Temple) of her enchanting, six-year-old son “Frankie” (Sage Correa); preposterous and exhilarating simultaneously, Karla eliminates law enforcement, determined to heroically rescue her son. “Kidnap”, filmed in tightly wrought close-ups, as Karla manically pursues the abductors, achieves legitimacy with a limited script, hair-raising twists; Karla is a woman who refuses derailment as her undiagnosed skills come to the fore.

“Kidnap” ambitiously struggles to reach prime vigilante statute but roadblocks thwart its goal; nonetheless, Barry (even without makeup, still stunning) rises above glamour and is overwhelming convincing, compelling as a mother whose love can overpower the most menacing obstacles.


TWO & 1/2 STARS!



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