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After seeing Showtime’s “The Loudest Voice”, starring a pneumatic Russell Crowe, as Predator Poster Boy, Roger Ailes, Founder and CEO of Fox News; “Bombshell’s” repetitive version holds minimal surprises, just subtle analysis of the same scenario; top notch performances by Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly’s clone; Nicole Kidman as the impetus (bombshell) Gretchen Carlson, signaling the demise of the bovine misogynist; and a fictionalized, younger victim, with the equivalent attributes of her predecessors, “Kayla” (sensually stunning Margot Robbie); the film’s narrative is told through the women abused. John Lithgow as sordid, degenerate Ailes, who recklessly attempts to thwart reality with haranguing, vilifying accusations against his accusers, lacks the intimidation, harrowing interpretation of Crowe. Serendipitously, Rudy Giuliani, played to doppelganger perfection by Richard Kind, adds poetic ingenuity, to the otherwise, predictable plot.


“Bombshell”, directed by Jay Roach, succeeds in displaying the fortitude of a few to empower the many; women risking coveted careers, many attained because of egregious demands by a male megalomaniac (Ailes is a metaphor for countless); in conclusion smashing the anomaly;  substantiating,  you can be Blond, Beautiful and Brilliant!


TWO & 1/2 STARS!!



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