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Slick, scary and reverential tribute to H.G. Wells 1897’s “The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance”; creepy scientist conjures, with the illusion of light, his transformative power of invisibility; Oliver Jackson-Cohen, “Adrian Griffin”, scores as a mad genius who controls his lover by exercising his mind over her matter; Elizabeth Moss, “Cecilia Kass”, dynamites her every moment of misery; a role of a lifetime, Moss magnificently stuns with an aptitude that should be memorialized. Director/writer Leigh Whannell gives free rein to Moss’s intellectual, emotional, extraordinary depth; her domination of the character and a countenance that launches a thousand sentiments, is prize worthy.

Reminiscent of “Parasite” the house that Griffin constructed, is the harbinger of doom, its pristine architecture, glimmering glass and chrome on the waters edge, is menacing in its immaculate, luminous presence; escaping its electrifying imprisonment adds titillation to the finely structured scenario.

“The Invisible Man’s” polished, stylish, filming, lends legitimacy, authenticity to its harrowing, blood crushing scenes. Mitigated by Cecilia (reflective of today’s female empowerment), knowing, no matter the odds, she is destined to champion; cemented to our seats, mesmerized, frozen until the final pulverizing conclusion.



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