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Non-Stop Movie Review by Peneflix

Weathered, whiskered Liam Neeson is the archetype of a disillusioned, alcoholic Federal air marshal; “Bill Marks”, running on empty, neurotic about flying, shortly after take off on a New York/London flight, receives a “text”, on a secure line, demanding 150 million dollars be transferred to a numbered  account or someone will die every twenty minutes. Hence the flight takes off and all on board are guilty or innocent simultaneously.

Director Jaume Collet-Serra and writers John W. Richardson, Chris Roach and Ryan Engle have gifted viewers a taut, assiduous, stunning film that simmers with pristine alacrity, ineluctable, whiplash, efficacious action; cemented to one’s seat for  two satisfying, suspenseful hours.

The success of the film lies in the genius of the director to transform the suffocating confines of a passenger plane to the vast landscape of the unknown; the homicidal potential transcends the claustrophobic environment; the unmasking of the ineluctable villain is the prime focus; 150 passengers are at the whim of a fanatical, warped but brilliant mind.

Julianne Moore, as Bill’s enigmatic, empathetic seat-mate, “Jen” adds levity and enlightened insight as the flight continues its torturous path towards destruction or solvency. Corey Stoll and Nate Parker are particularly intriguing as disgruntled passengers. But it is Neeson’s performance that lends legitimate anxiety and potency to “Non-Stop”. Bill Marks is a man who has seen it all, experienced the ultimate searing;  life is at its nadir and he is forced to delve into the pits of his resolve, recognize his human but horrific flaws, rise from the ashes, reach for the light, and prevail.

THREE & 1/2 STARS!!!


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  1. Liam Neeson is such a talented actor, but he always seems to be playing the same role.

  2. Really? I didn’t go see this in the theater (maybe now I regret it); and I love Neeson and totally buy him as my favorite mature action guy. I will have to rent it when it comes down the pike.

  3. Actually, I just looked it up and it’s still in the theaters near me; which means a massive paycheck for Neeson because this has been a long run. I’m going to see it this weekend. I thought I could just give it a pass, but you and a couple of others have made me think I just should go ahead and see it big. Plus “Lady Mary” from Downton Abbey is it, and Lupita Nyong’o too! So why not, right!

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