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Sorrowful, adulterated talents of Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway in this totally irrational scenario of a mother’s devotion and love. Directed by Benoit Delhomme, based on the novel by Barbara Abel; it is a cross between fantasy and horror, and fails in both arenas.

Taking place in the early 1960’s when women are stretching the boundaries between professionalism and motherhood; two neighbors, mothers of 8-year-old boys, “Celine” (Hathaway) and “Alice” (Chastain) dressed in 50’s attire, swilling martinis: Alice, a former journalist yearns for a return to the work force, her husband wants an expanded family whereas Celine is the quintessential “housewife” and “mother” her contentment oozes from her every pore (ad nauseum). Tragedy strikes and the movie tailspins into a meaningless, supercilious abyss, predictability prevails, transparency is blinding.

As tragic as “Mothers’ Instinct” is Chastain and Hathway are their reliable, instinctive, selves; giving dignity where none was deserved and hopefully earning a healthy fee for their sacrifice.



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