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Beware of films “On Demand” before they open in theatres; more than likely they are awful and “Maps to the Stars” is a prime example.

David Cronenberg exploits every salacious taboo shunned by those with a modicum of morality; blatantly bludgeoning viewers with themes of incest, pyromania, narcissism; repulsive, sickening to view; fine actors wallowing in the roles of slimy, worthless, punitive people.

Academy Award winner Julianne Moore is “Havana” , a middle-aged, haunted, borderline psychotic, lusting to play the role of her deceased mother, in a docu/drama; her histrionics, visions, sexual frustration and desperation illicit profound disgust.

Mia Wasikowska, “Agatha” a lunatic; scarily star-struck, creeps into Hollywood;  lusting to lavish slathering sycophancy on any star willing to employ her “gopher” skills.

Robert Pattinson (still reminiscent of vampire delicacies) is a wanna -be actor, chauffeuring the vapid-minded stars around Rodeo Drive.

John Cusack, a therapist, uses platitudinous, purloined drivel in his physical therapy sessions with certifiable clients.

Evan Bird as “Benjie” a 13-year-old prodigy is the only creative, interesting, intriguing character in the film; fresh from rehab his brilliant, brutal, viper tongue pierces to the core his wary victims.

All are aware of the “dark” side of stardom and Hollywood; possibly these people exist, but I would have preferred they remained beneath the rock they slithered from under.



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