Digital detritus. Director Guy Ritchie’s bastardization of the magical myth of King Arthur and his sword, Excalibur, is an excruciating excuse for entertainment. Minimal life support provided by actors Jude Law (King Vortigern), Charlie Hunnam (Arthur) and Eric Bana (Arthur’s father) could not salvage this disaster, croaking in theatres; blessedly exsanguinating after 2 hours and 6 minutes.
King Arthur and his mystical, magical philosophy has been gracefully served in 1967’s “Camelot”, 1975’s “Monty Python & The Holy Grail” and 1981’s “Excalibur”; Merlin’s enchantment, Arthur’s gracious embracement of humanity and the brilliant splendidness of “Camelot” were amputated in this revolting rendition.
1/2 STAR