With the exception of director, Ana Piterbarg. Obscure, obtuse, buried in boredom: Viggo Mortensen characterizes twin brothers (“Agustin”/”Pedro”) plainly, diminished in the womb, they flounder in their professional and personal lives; empty vessels, blessed with substantial female companions.
The film is set in Buenos Aires, plus a depressed island in the Delta; Agustin cloaks himself in the guise of his brother, Pedro, and the nonsensical scenario of crime, subterfuge, malfeasance is dumped upon a naive audience who ventured into this flick to witness Mortensen’s proficiency, loquaciousness in the Spanish tongue; receiving a passing grade in Spanish 101, but unworthy of viewer attendance.
Omita La!
ONE & 1/2 STARS!!
For Now……….Peneflix