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Tom Cruise. For thirty years I have been a worshiper, a devout member of congregation “Cruisology”; “Risky Business” (1983) was my baptismal inauguration; here is a man with more avatars than Vishnu: lover, pilot, lawyer,  lover, football player, bartender, lover, gambler, samurai,  lover, vampire, rock star; endless characterizations.  But it is his role as super-hero that has monopolized his mega -talents far too long; audiences know he can accomplish the “impossible”, save the “world”, survive “oblivion” , so it is no surprise, that after a few tries “Major William Cage” “edges” erases the “Mimics” with the help of  Special Forces Agent “Rita” (buffed and beautiful Emily Blunt).

“Edge of Tomorrow”, reminiscent of “Ground Hog Day”, 1993 (unlike the majority, left me squirmy, unsatisfied; a meal that defied digestion); “Cage” is a quicker study than “Phil” and the repetition is entertaining as opposed to dyspeptic; Cruise and Blunt are a dynamic duo, and savage slayers of the “Mimics”; creatures who resemble a Louise Bourgeois anthropomorphic spider; remarkably filmed, its exhilarating, non-stop pace is captivating. But…………

Enough of dystopian survival genres; supplicants are thirsting for “Jerry Maguire”, “Charlie Babbitt” (“Rain Man”), or one of screen’s most riveting, lugubrious, priceless personages, “Ron Kovic” (“Born on the Fourth of July”). On July 3rd Cruise will turn fifty-two;  age-appropriate to reappraise horizons; deflate the muscles, inflate his cogent skills; he’s exercised astounding prescience and courage in his role selection; there are unexcavated reserves, limitless opportunities that have yet to be imbibed. Here’s to a future Academy Award; members of his “parish” will keep the faith, patiently awaiting the “second coming”,  rejuvenation of a career yet to be fully actualized!

TWO & 1/2 STARS!!


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