Dear Subscribers,
It is with some trepidation but more glee and excitement that I am plunging into the ubiquitous world of Facebook. Thank your for forwarding Peneflix Movie Reviews to your friends, it is greatly appreciated.
In the future keep forwarding the reviews and encourage them to become Subscribers. For all my readers with Facebook accounts please visit by clicking here:
You’ll only have to do this once. Then “like” the page and “share” it with your Facebook friends, suggesting that they sign up. All my new reviews will be on the Facebook page so you may share them with Facebook friends straight from there. Once shared, just click on the link to, read and comment. Peneflix thoroughly relishes healthy debates and recognizes validity in all opinions.
Here is to a New Year and New Subscribers!
Gratefully, Peneflix
See my post on FB!!!!!!!
Will try. Still figuring it out; thank the gods for the ‘geek” squad> P