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Breathe In Movie Review

A family of three, being photographed: uncomfortable, squirming in front of the technical, clinical gaze of the camera; they like each other, but there is an underlying awkwardness, a pretense of warmth, a feeling of unfamiliarity emanating from their forced gaiety.

A gorgeous, precocious exchange student encroaches upon this fragile family and all vestiges of equanimity are shattered, deep- rooted frustrations, long dormant, erupt and lives are altered.

Guy Pearce as “Keith Reynolds”, sporting the grunge look,  lacks conviction; he is a middle-aged high school piano teacher, a part -time cellist, barely communicating with his wife “Megan” (Amy Ryan) and totally uncomprehending of his seventeen year-old daughter “Lauren” (Mackenzie Davis). Keith is the  quintessential candidate for English femme fatale, piano prodigy  “Sophie” (Felicity Jones, blessed with a countenance worthy of launching a thousand films); within days of moving in she becomes his muse; unsure of her thought process, recognizing in Keith her own demons; freedom of choice, eliminating “ties that bind” is her mission.

“Breathe In” (a euphuism for conquering one’s fears) is contrived; predictability rears its flimsy facade and fells what could have been an intriguing scenario. Sophie appears years wiser than her chronological age, Keith, years younger; their relationship is stilted, manufactured and zestless.

“Breathe In” is a sad, miserly film that left me in dire need of a breath of fresh air.

1 &1/2 STAR!


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  1. Barbara Geraghty

    Appreciate the heads up, Penelope. Have you seen “Le Week-End” yet? It would be wonderful to read your review of it.

    Thank you for Peneflix.


  2. Barbara Geraghty

    Great review! It was so much fun to read after seeing the movie yesterday. We loved it, too, and were captivated by the acting. Such a thoughtful look at the complexity of being in a long term relationship. Thank you. – Barbara

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