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There are characters that harbor, rent free in fatty corners of one’s brain; they are friends, making their presence known serendipitously, surprisingly when least expected. Over the years I have embraced numerous subjects for a myriad of inscrutable reasons: “House” (a Doctor of cantankerous genius), “Foyle” (WWII British detective), “Morse” (Renaissance man, solving crimes), “Nikki Alexander”, forensic pathologist (“Silent Witness”) and “Laure Proust”, Police Captain, (“Spiral”); the newest persona, encroaching on my mental real estate is “Raphael Balthazar” a forensic pathologist paired with police Captain “Helene Bach”, Tomer Sisley and Helene de Fougerolles are overwhelming sensational in this inventive, thrilling, quirky, formidably written series. Balthazar is a delicious, dimpled narcissist, with enviable six-pack abs, perpetually on display, his cockiness is compelling, not vainglorious; he is kind, sweetly cunning, self-deprecating, invariably ingesting; he taunts Captain Bach with his iconoclastic verbosity; she steadfastly foils his grandiloquent attempts to ensnare her in his “tangled web”;  behind his blazing bravado lies a haunted, devastating shadow: the love of his life “Lise” (Pauline Cheviller) was murdered over ten years ago; they converse, she is his moral compass; conversations with his murdered corpses are pivotal in understanding this blighted, brilliant, emotionally mutilated man.

Balthazar balances his cauterizing grief with a debonaire, inimitably charming veneer; smothering, camouflaging a fragility; compensating for a loss of catastrophic bleakness; accepting that a hollow, altered, revised world must still be experienced, one day at a time.

FOUR & ½ STARS!!!!


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  1. My favorite Acorn show of all time that grabbed me in the first 10 minutes. Tomer Sisley is so talented and he makes this show what it is….the number one show on Acorn. I’m looking forward to more seasons…..they cannot come fast enough.

  2. Penelope, excellent review. We just finished Season 1 and are looking forward to the next one!

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