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Monthly Archives: May 2019


To be eighteen and graduating from high school in 2019; “The Year of the Pig” an astrological sign of generosity, diligence and tenacity; this astute graduating class has it all, especially “Amy” (Kaitlyn Dever) and “Molly” (Beanie Feldstein); brilliant students (Molly is Valedictorian, off to Yale College; Amy, to Botswana, enabling challenged women); both girls have shunned their fellow classmates, …

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Director Raj Kumar Gupta’s history lesson lionizes unheralded, contemporary intelligence officers who captured Yasin Bhatkal (Founder of India’s Mujahideen, terrorist organization) in Pakistan on August 13, 2013. The feat claims remarkability because five men, led by Prabhat Kapoor (Arjun Kapoor, no relation) entered Pakistan, weaponless not witless, tracked, cornered, captured the culprit and escaped without harm; the intensity is not …

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An enigmatic, voyeuristic, painfully plodding slice of intimacy, addiction in 1980’s London; “Julia”, (Honor Swinton Byrne) twenty-four, an entitled film student, succumbs to the slithering charms of “Anthony” (Tom Burke) whose garbled, pseudo-intellectualism, fed by his cocaine dependency, woos with vapid, arrogant, sickening poppycock;  Julia’s naivety refuses to recognize his villainy, depravity, as he plummets wantonly into moral turpitude; she …

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It wasn’t a petit mal seizure that propelled me to venture into this “war zone” of peppered parabellum (semi automatic machine gun) it was the realization on Monday morning that, of the countless films I visit, rarely have I reviewed or seen more than three of the top ten weekend draws; this week, nada; agonizing over the finality of Game …

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For as long as I can remember William Shakespeare (1564-1616) has monopolized my literary sphere as the foremost “bard” ever birthed; no other writer, poet has come within a breath of his genius, which exponentially blossoms with time’s passage; beyond wisdom, his scope of the human condition, knows no boundaries, parameters; no one, king or peasant, escaped his effulgent, caustic, …

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Mahatma Gandhi soulfully believed “the future of India lies in its villages”, invisible in “Photograph”, director Ritesh Batra (“Lunchbox”) achingly, hauntingly, throughout the film, references the poignancy, simplicity, pains, banes of rural existence; yearly, millions of young men and women flood major Indian cities, live in squalor, sending their negligible rupees back to their bereft families. “Rafi” (sublimely subtle, Nawazuddin …

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Honesty compels me to confess that I never sunk my literary molars into the realm of J.R.R.Tolkien’s (1892-1973) “The Hobbit” (1937) nor “The Lord of the Rings” (1954-55) but wallowed in mesmerizing captivation throughout Peter Jackson’s trilogy of these fantastical characters and places that sprung from the imaginative fecundity of one man; oh, to stroll clandestinely through the closets, corridors …

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Director Zhang Yimou (“House of Flying Daggers”, “The Great Wall”) in his latest film “Shadow”, sheds upon viewers a magnificent epic of vintage Chinese lore: warring factions, recalcitrant, narcissistic leaders, romance, subterfuge, above all pristinely, poetically choreographed; sculpted mobility transcends the graphic violence; there is grandeur and elegance in the pathos; this is filmmaking at its peak; Yimou’s masterful vision …

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Four seasons worthy of “Beneficial Binging”; “Line of Duty” is a BBC television series that has seared the imaginations of all who have ventured into its corridors of crime, circling around “bent” coppers and their manipulation of police procedures; beyond thrilling, writer Jed Mercurio, weaves a network of nefarious deeds with immaculate intelligence and scrupulous attention to detail, confounding those …

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Director Jonathan Levine, writers Liz Hannah, Dan Sterling, but pivotally, stars Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen are grounds for visiting “Long Shot”; an unlikely duo, a stupefying example of “opposites bonding”; initially incomprehensible, with progression, systematically comprehensible; Secretary of State, “Charlotte Field” (Theron) anticipating a run for the Presidency hires “Fred Flarsky” (Rogen) a freelance writer, to pepper her speeches …

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